Fine Arts

Fine Arts

Where the Interdisciplinary Arts Align with Academics and Character

Vocal Music | Instrumental Music | Theatre | Visual Arts | Dance

Our mission for the Arts Academy is to provide students, with exceptional skills in visual and performing arts, a personally supportive and intellectually challenging environment to pursue their interests at a level which is specifically directed toward entrance into college and university arts programs.

Pallotti provides an intensive, pre-professional training in the areas of visual arts, music (vocal and instrumental), theatre, and dance combined with a rigorous, college preparatory curriculum. The expansion of the curriculum and facilities for our students provides daily interaction and study with art professionals, participation in professionally-oriented productions, and space to practice their craft to its fullest extent.

There is an additional $1,250 annual fee for the Arts Academy.

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All students must complete the general online admissions application and requirements in addition to the Arts Academy Application. Please only select the area(s) of study that you are interested in auditioning for. Students interested in applying must have experience in their area of study and must audition for the music, dance, and theatre programs or submit a portfolio for the visual arts program. After the application requirements have been completed, students will be notified to schedule an audition or portfolio review. Auditions and portfolio reviews generally occur in January.




  • Scholarship Information

    St. Vincent Pallotti High School is excited to offer applicants the opportunity to be awarded instrumental music scholarships for the academic school year. This scholarship will follow the students for the four years they are at Pallotti, provided they meet the eligibility requirements below.

    To apply, please complete the following application and submit to the Department of Admissions,, by January 3, 2024. Please note that an audition will be required for final selection. Qualified applicants will be contacted to schedule an audition to be held on January 27, 2024.

    Student Eligibility

    • Students must participate in an instrumental music ensemble for all four years at Pallotti.
    • Students must have a 2.5 or higher GPA at the time of application submission and maintain a 2.5 or higherGPA to remain eligible for the scholarship each year.

    Audition Criteria

    • Major scales from memory up to 3 sharps and 3 flats (C, F, B flat, E flat, G, D, and A for your instrument).
    • Two contrasting pieces of music of your choosing, one of which should be a grade “2” or higher (Pleaseprovide an additional copy of music at the audition).
    • Sight-reading will be required.
Click to View Scholarship Application


  • Scholarship Information

    St. Vincent Pallotti High School is very excited to offer applicants the opportunity to be awarded vocal music scholarships for the academic school year. This scholarship will follow the student for the four years they are at Pallotti, provided they meet the eligibility requirements below.

    To apply, please complete the following application and submit to the Office of Admissions,, by January 3, 2024. Please note that an audition will be required for final selection. Qualified applicants will be contacted to schedule an audition to be held on January 27, 2024.

    Student Eligibility

    • Students must participate in Chorus for all four years at Pallotti.
    • Students must have a 2.5 or higher GPA at the time of application submission and maintain a 2.5 or higher GPA toremain eligible for the scholarship each year.

    Audition Criteria

    Potential students should be prepared to sing Silent Night. During the audition individuals will be asked to participate in the following:

    • Vocal Exercises to determine range as well as pitch matching ability.
    • Melodic and rhythmic accuracy will be assessed in singing “Silent Night.”
    • Brief instruction in posture and breathing.
    • Interview to include sharing information about performance experience and aspirations for the future as a singer.
    • Optional: Students may prepare another song to sing in addition to Silent Night (please bring music).
Click to View Scholarship Application


  • Scholarship Information

    St. Vincent Pallotti High School is very excited to offer applicants to the Arts Academy the opportunity to be awarded visual arts scholarships for the academic school year. This scholarship will follow the students for the four years they are at Pallotti, provided they meet the eligibility requirements below. 

    To apply, please complete the following application and submit to the Office of Admissions,, by January 3, 2024. Please note that the portfolio is to be sent to the admissions office by January 22, 2024. It may be emailed through a link or multiple photos. Qualified applicants will be contacted to schedule an interview to be held on January 27, 2024.

    Student Eligibility

    • Students must be enrolled in the Department of Visual Arts for all four years at Pallotti.
    • Students must maintain a "B" average or higher in all courses within the Department of Visual Arts.
    • Students must have a 2.5 or higher GPA at the time of application submission and maintain a 2.5 or higher GPA to remain eligible for the scholarship each year.
    • Submit the Arts Academy Application on our website.

    Portfolio Criteria

    • Submit at least ten (10) pieces of artwork for review. This could be 2-D (painting, drawing, collage, photography) and/or 3-D works (sculpture, ceramics). After review of their portfolio, we will invite the students for a 15 minute interview.
    • Photocopies of awards received
    • Applicant essay (maximum of 500 words) detailing your appreciation for art, projects you are currently working on and worked on in the past, and what techniques you would like to explore in the future at Pallotti.
Click to View Scholarship Application


  • Scholarship Information

    St. Vincent Pallotti High School is excited to offer applicants to the Arts Academy the opportunity to be awarded theatre arts scholarships for the academic school year. This scholarship will follow the students for the four years they are at Pallotti, provided they meet the eligibility requirements below.

    To apply, please complete the following application and submit to the Department of Admissions,, by January 3, 2024. Please note that an audition will be required for final selection. Qualified applicants will be contacted to schedule an audition to be held on January 27, 2024.

    Student Eligibility

    • Students must be enrolled in the Department of Theatre Arts all four years at Pallotti.
    • Students must be involved in 2 Pallotti productions per school year.
    • Students must have a 2.5 or higher GPA at the time of application submission and maintain a 2.5 or higher GPA to remain eligible for the scholarship each year.
    • Submit the Arts Academy Application on our website.

    Audition Criteria

    • Please memorize a 30 second to 1 minute monologue. The monologue can be of your choosing but please no monologues from movies. OR, you may click here to choose a provided monologue.
    • Be prepared to have suggestions made to change things and play with the monologue.
    • Please bring a hard copy of your monologue to the audition.
Click to View Scholarship Application


  • Scholarship Information

    St. Vincent Pallotti High School is excited to offer applicants to the Arts Academy the opportunity to be awarded dance scholarships for the academic school year. This scholarship will follow the students for the four years they are at Pallotti, provided they meet the eligibility requirements below.

    To apply, please complete the following application and submit to the Department of Admissions,, by January 3, 2024. Please note that an audition will be required for final selection. Qualified applicants will be contacted to schedule an audition and auditions will be held on January 20, 2024.

    Student Eligibility

    • Students must have at least 1 year of prior dance experience.
    • Students must be enrolled in the Department of Dance all four years at Pallotti.
    • Students must have a 2.5 or higher GPA at the time of application submission and maintain a 2.5 or higher GPA to remain eligible for the scholarship each year.
    • Submit the Arts Academy Application on our website.

    Audition Criteria

    • Students must audition in the genres of Modern, Jazz, and Contemporary.
    • Please come dressed in a black leotard and flesh tones tights (if you do not own a leotard or tights, blacktank top and black leggings).
    • Please bring either ballet shoes, jazz shoes, or pirouettes, and a pair of sneakers (if you do not own some ofthe shoes listed, that is fine).
Click to View Scholarship Application


Students are required to take at least a 1/2 credit in Visual/Performing Arts at St. Vincent Pallotti High School. Within Visual and Performing Arts, there are a wide variety of elective classes that students can choose from.

To view the full course list and course descriptions, read our Course Catalog.

  • Visual Arts

    At Pallotti, our Visual Art Department offers courses that explore 2-D and 3-D art forms. These classes are for students who are interested in exploring artmaking through various media. Fundamentals of Art allows students to build a base for drawing, painting and sculpture. This foundation course is the prerequisite for Drawing 1, Painting 1 and Sculpture 1. In these courses (Drawing 1, Painting 1 and Sculpture 1), students thoroughly investigate material, composition and structure while gaining a solid skill set in each principle. 

    The Visual Arts Department also offers Digital Photography, Digital Art and Graphic Design. These technical/computer based courses offer students the opportunity to learn a strong skill set in each principle that can be utilized in their other high school and future college courses.

  • Instrumental Music

    Our mission is to foster growth in the articulation and understanding of the universal language of music.  Pallotti offers several instrumental music ensembles in which students can participate.  Those include credited classes like Concert Band, Wind Ensemble (including pep band), Beginning Strings, and String Orchestra.  Extra curricular groups include Jazz Ensemble, House Band (worship music), and Drum Line.   

    Our Strings Department includes both our String Orchestra class and our newly introduced Beginning Strings class. These classes are for students who currently play or want to learn to play violin, viola, cello, or double bass. Students study a variety of string repertoire, including classical music from the 17th century to contemporary music, as well as popular music and fiddling techniques. Our Strings program strives to collaborate with all of the other major ensembles at Pallotti throughout the school year. 

    Musicians in any of these ensembles also have the opportunity to participate in smaller chamber ensemble groups for various performance opportunities including masses and prayer services, pit orchestra for shows, jazz combo for entertaining, and other events. 

  • Vocal Music

    Vocal Music has the power to transform lives, promote and encourage creative and artistic expression, and unite people from all walks of life as they engage in meaningful and heartfelt performance. The choral music program is one that upholds diverse musical offerings, from European classical music, to contemporary gospel, to American pop songs and show tunes.  So come join us as we make a joyful noise for all to hear!

  • Theatre

    Drama I is offered to anyone who wants to learn more about theatre and performance. Students will learn through a series of games and improv how to create a character and how to perform for an audience. Students will learn about the stage, types of stages, stage directions and blocking. Students will collaborate to create a final staged readers theatre performance.

    The fall play is open to anyone who wishes to participate. Students will be required to audition performing a short memorized monologue in early September. Callbacks will be held separately and require no preparation.  Rehearsals will take place after school throughout September and October and November with performances taking place Mid November. This is an exciting opportunity for students to gain experience in live theatrical performance.

    The spring musical is open to anyone who wishes to participate. Students will be required to audition with a short memorized monologue and 16 bars of a memorized, acapella piece. This is an exciting way to bring the performance arts together in one place. Students have the opportunity to perform vocal music, instrumental music, acting, and dancing. Visual Arts students also have the opportunity for prop design and creation, and set painting.

  • Dance

    The Introduction to Dance class is a one semester class that introduces students to the basic elements of various styles of dance. Students learn about body awareness, balance, and breathing, as well as specific dance techniques. This course can count either as an art credit or as a P.E. credit, but not as both.

Click to view Course Catalog


Keep up to date with our latest events being held within the Fine Arts Departments

* Events highlighted in BLUE are off-campus events*


Fall Play: Twelve Angry Jurors | November 16, 17, 18 at 7:00 PM; November 18 at 2:00 PM | Pallotti's Sister Lucy Lobby | Theatre


WAMTC Band Festival  |  December 2, Time TBA | Our Lady of Good Counsel High School | Instrumental Music

Tree Lighting Ceremony and Choral Christmas Concert | December 8 at 6:30 PM | Pallotti's Sister Lucy Lobby | Vocal Music

Christmas Concert | December 10 at 3:00 PM | Pallotti's Gymnasium | Instrumental Music and Dance


Fall Dance Composition | January 18 at 6:00 PM | Pallotti Stage | Dance

Scholarship and Arts Academy Auditions for Potential Pallotti Students | January 26-27 | Pallotti High School | All Departments


PG County Solo and Ensemble Festival | February 10 | Thomas G. Pullen Creative and Performing Arts School | Instrumental Music


Chamber Music Recital | March 10 at 3:00 PM | Pallotti Chapel | Vocal and Instrumental Music

Spring Art Show | March 14 at 4:00 PM | Pallotti's Sister Lucy Lobby | Visual Arts

Pallotti Spring Gala | March 16 at 6:00 PM | Pallotti Gymnasium | Jazz Ensemble - Instrumental Music

PG Solo and Ensemble Festival | March 23 | Location TBA | Vocal Music


Spring Play - SIX: TEEN EDITION by Toby Marlow & Lucy Moss | April 11, 12, 13 at 7:00 PM; April 13 at 2:00 PM | Pallotti Stage | Theatre

SIX: TEEN EDITION is presented by special arrangement with Concord Theatricals.

Spring Concert | April 27 at 7:00 PM | Pallotti Gymnasium | Vocal/Instrumental Music and Dance


Spring Music Festival Trip | May 4, all day | Hershey Park | Instrumental Music

Music Banquet | May 6 at 7:00 PM | Pallotti Cafeteria | Instrumental Music

Spring Dance Concert  | May 7 at 6:00 PM  | Pallotti Stage | Dance

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